Do you suffer from anxiety, tension or apprehension when you think about going to the dentist? Do you stay up the night before tossing and turning before a simple checkup or cleaning? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Millions of people (75% of people in America alone) suffer from anxiety before getting into the dentist chair. But, those days can now be over, with the help of Gentle Dental and Anxiety-Free Sedation Dentistry!
There are varying degrees of anxiety-free medication available and after consultation, you and your Gentle Dental dentist will choose the one most appropriate for you. It can be as simple as taking a pill where you’ll be conscious and responsive throughout the procedure. During the procedure though, you’ll remain in a deeply relaxed state, so you won’t be nervous or fidgety. You’ll experience no discomfort or anxiety and more importantly won’t be aware of sounds or smells around you, including any drill noises. Other forms of receiving sedation include intravenous, inhalation, intramuscular or submucosal.
No matter how it is received, you will feel like you are floating on air and as if you were getting a spa treatment. Plus, you won’t remember a thing and it’ll only feel like only a few minutes have passed. You will feel so good, you will ask the dentist how quickly you can come back!
Sedation dentistry is available in all 21 South Florida, Gentle Dental locations. To make a relaxing appointment for you or your loved one, call 1-888-513-7436.
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